Software and Programs
- QuickTeX - Render LaTeX Equations as PNG Images
- Homomorphic-Encryption - A Java based implementation of Homomorphic Encryption.
- EVA - Exhaustive Variant Analysis
- QIK - Querying Images Using Contextual Knowledge on Everyday Scenes
- Tuffy-Distributed - Distributed Tuffy setup on Greenplum.
- Evidence-Data-Generator - Utility to collect tweets and construct evidence data.
- Private-Share - A decentralized storage system that enables sharing medical image sharing, preserving security and privacy.
- DiSC - Distributed Score Computation to learn multinomial Bayesian networks over distributed data
- XGBoost-Spark - XGBoost4J-Spark for Classification and Regression.
- TwitterAnalytics - A web application visualizes interesting analytic Spark SQL queries executed on Tweets for famous fashion brands.
In addition, I have also contributed to:
- facebookresearch/faiss - A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
- amidst/toolbox - A Java Toolbox for Scalable Probabilistic Machine Learning